The bottom line benefits of financial education + financial fitness COACH™
40% improvement in key financial behaviors such as building a budget, saving for retirement or reviewing their insurance coverage.
20% of participants saw an increase in their sense of financial well-being or confidence.
Individuals who engaged with a COACH™ showed up to 181% improvement in their financial behaviors vs. individuals who engaged in education alone.
Why financial fitness + coaching?
A variety of methodologies have been used to reduce stress and alleviate the losses associated with it, but without optimal effect. The Financial Fitness COACH™ program provides a new blended approach to help improve the financial fitness of the American workforce. Specifically, it combines:
- Independent, unbiased, online financial education and tools
- Financial fitness coaching focused on supporting goal formation and attainment
More than 1,000 organizations, including Cornell University, MLB Baseball, Micron, the State of Wisconsin and Newport Group, have found the more financial knowledge their employees have, the less time spent on the job addressing personal financial issues.
Take action now! The Financial Fitness Group’s Platform empowers organizations to Engage, Benchmark, and Change employee financial behaviors while adding to their overall bottom line.
- Savings of up to $2,000 per employee annually
- Individuals who engaged with a COACH™ showed up to 141% improvement in their financial confidence vs. those who did not engage
Interested in learning more?
Contact us today to speak to a friendly team member to discover how you can successfully implement a financial wellness program.