The growth of any business depends on generating qualified leads. It’s important to have a strategy for generating leads through different strategies for financial service advisors. While there are many strategies, personalizing what works best for each advisor. Using the multi-channel approach with different tools and resources to attract prospects will help advisors move throughout every stage of the sales cycle and improve their pipeline.

5 Lead Generation Strategies for Financial Service Advisors

Create a Personal Website

A website is how you market yourself and your services. It is also your digital business card. When someone first hears of the services a financial advisor provides, they will be needing a website to look at for more information.

Facebook Ads + Incentive-Based Lead generation + Scheduled Appointment = Client Lead Generation

Attracting clients through Facebook ads allows targeting through different features, such as wealth, job, age, and zip code. Next, incentive-based lead generation tools are a huge attraction for the types of clients financial are seeking. Advisors are creating valuable content that will turn a viewer into a lead. For instance, webinars are easy to access and have a 37% chance of cultivating qualified leads to sales (Robben Media, 2020). Other incentive-based tools include training videos, eBooks, and interviews with experts. After the incentive-based tool has been utilized, a phone call to the prospect suggesting an in-person meeting if the conversation is productive will help convert leads to repeatable client acquisition.

Blog Consistently

If you want potential qualified leads to keep coming back, new content that is relevant to your firm and qualified leads is crucial. This boosts SEO by publishing interesting, helpful content. It’s also important to have a call-to-action encouraging the reader to take action elsewhere on your website or services. Don’t forget to post the blog on your social media and to include internal and external links within the blog post, these will help boost SEO rankings further.

Email Marketing

More than 3.8 billion people used email in 2018, and this number is projected to be 4.2 billion by 2022 (LifeWire, 2019). Email marketing is a crucial way to reach out to and engage prospects and existing clients. Keeping them up to date on news and trends while being quick and efficient. Analyze what content would be valuable to your target audience to make the email campaigns more customizable.

Utilize LinkedIn for Geo-targeted B2B Leads

Geotargeting uses location data to reach consumers and delivers messaging with the right location and behavior. This will help increase lead generation numbers and improve the quality of leads by doing research on personas, asking the right questions, and providing value in geotargeted campaigns.

The sales process is long, and the conversion rate in investment services requires many touchpoints before a conversion. But, pairing strong content marketing and implementation to support the lead generation for financial service advisors allows firms to grow with prospects and clients who are best suited for your firm.