Managing Your Holiday Spending and Reducing Stress

The holidays are a stressful time of the year for many peoples. Factors such as financial pressure and spending can cause stress and anxiety. Gifts, traveling, food, decorations, and more are significant reasons why the financial strain is becoming more common. On average, Americans are expected to spend $998 in 2020 during the holiday season […]

How Financial Institutions Can Help Customers with Financial Stress Gain a Peace of Mind

The Coronavirus pandemic has created financial stress for many this year, where Americans faced financial difficulties. These difficulties were especially problematic for millennials coming from unemployment. Millennials have fewer savings than other groups, such as baby boomers, and were concerned about ongoing debt and financial obligations. Financial institutions can help these individuals relieve stress, according […]

4 Trends to Watch in 2021 for the Financial Services Industry

During 2020, most financial institutions were forced to make a massive digital shift to better supply their customers due to the Coronavirus. Customers were no longer able to bank in person or handle their financial situations in person. As 2021 is quickly approaching, digital is the theme for this upcoming year. The digital experience will […]

Insights on Big Data in 2020 for the Financial Services Industry

“Big Data” collects and analyzes large and complex sets of data. According to IBM, in 2015, 90% of data has been created in the last two years. The financial services industry utilizes the most data in the global economy. This data comes from banks entering large amounts of consumer data daily, including general transactions, ATM transactions, and more. […]

Holiday Spending During the Coronavirus

The holiday season is right around the corner. Spending during this time of year is something to prepare for and to have a budgeting plan in place. But this budget may look slightly different this year. With Coronavirus cases peaking, various industries may be thriving in their sales growth over the past few months, or […]

Financial Insecurity in America

Amidst COVID-19 still being a massive problem in America; financial insecurity is at an all-time high. 80% of Americans believe financial insecurity is a significant problem. With business closures and layoffs still heavily occurring, financial insecurity is only natural in today’s environment. 71% of American households are financially unhealthy, resulting in not being able to afford critical […]